Saturday 22 June 2024

Time Activity Location
8 AM till start Pick up starting numbers the Lidl Kastelentour and Kasteelwandeling de Haar Kasteel de Haar
12 - 4 PM Pick up bib numbers AFAS Kasteelloop de Haar Restaurant Toetje
9 - 10 AM Start de Lidl Kastelentour Kasteel de Haar
10 - 10.40 AM Start Kasteelwandeling de Haar Kasteel de Haar
5 PM Finish de Lidl Kastelentour and Kasteelwandeling de Haar closed Kasteel de Haar
5.30 PM Event area closed Kasteel de Haar

Sunday 23 June 2024

Time Activity Location
8.00 a.m. till 12.30 p.m. Pick up bib numbers Kasteel de Haar
9 a.m. Start Ridders en Jonkvrouwenloop 2 km Kasteel de Haar
9.30 a.m. Start 10 km Kasteel de Haar
09.30 a.m. Start AFAS 21,1 km Kasteel de Haar
12.30 p.m. Start 5 km Kasteel de Haar

Travel Advice

Due to roadworks and the special location of Castle de Haar, your travel time will be a bit longer than usual. What should you take into account?

  1. Calculate your travel time in advance if you are travelling by car. Due to the closure of the A12, take a longer travel time into account.
  2. Parking is arranged on a meadow of Natuurmonumenten near Castle de Haar. This is indicated by signs. The organisation has provided driving plates in this area. Follow the directions of our parking team carefully, so everyone can park neatly.
  3. When entering the car park, you do not have to show your parking ticket. Only when leaving the car park do you need to have a parking ticket. You can still buy these from the help desk after your run.
  4. From the car park, it is a 15-minute walk to the event site or start zone. The perfect warm-up for your run!
  5. Pick up your start number, have a drink and then you will be ready for a great performance.



We ask you to come by bike as much as possible. You can park your bike near the event site at the Eikslaan or at the Thematerweg in Haarzuilens. Follow the signs.

Public transport

Visit for more information on traveling to Haarzuilens by public transportation.


If you come by car, you can park on the specially designated parking space in the meadow. So do not park at the car park of Kasteel de Haar. This requires another parking ticket from the castle. You can view the routes to the parking space here.

If you bought a parking card at registration, the envelope of your starting number also contains a parking card. Show this parking card when leaving the car park.

If you have not yet bought a parking ticket, you can also do so on the day itself for €8.50. You can buy these at the start number tents on the event site.


At the AFAS Kasteelloop de Haar you can choose the AFAS 21,1 km, the 10,55 km, the 5 km and the Ridders en Jonkvrouwenloop 2 km. Start this unique course at our special castle park. You walk along water features, over green avenues, past gates and drawbridges, with the towers of the castle as the literal and figurative highlight.

Parcourse maps

AFAS 21,1 km

The 21,1 km course consists of 2 laps. This distance is known as a real race run. The start and finish are in the castle park.


10,55 km

The course of the 10,55 km runs over the course of AFAS Kasteelloop de Haar. This distance is a recreational 'competition' course. The start and finish are in the castle park. 


5 km

The course of the 5 km partly runs over the course of AFAS Kasteelloop de Haar. The start and finish are in the castle park.


Starting numbers

Delivered at home

Participants who have registered by May 26 at the latest will receive their start number at home. This applies to all parts of AFAS Kasteelloop de Haar. Your name will also be on the starting number. If you registered after May 26, you will need to pick up your start number on the day of the event at the event site. If you ordered the limited edition shirt, you can pick it up at the event site on the day of the event.


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